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Council Tax Discount for People Under 20

1Your Details 2Enquiry Details

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    Your Details


    Enquiry Details

    For the purposes of Council Tax, people under 20 who meet the following conditions may not be treated as a resident: 1.) Still at school OR have just left school 2.) Child Benefits are still in payment.

    This means that, dependent on the number of other residents in your household, you may be entitled to a discount on the amount of Council Tax that you pay. For this discount to apply you must attach a scanned copy of the notification of payment of Child Benefit to this form.

    1. Reference Details

    We will send you your bill by e-mail to the email address provided. If you would prefer not to receive billing electronically please select the option below.

    2. Household Details

    Please list the title, first name and surname of all people aged 18 or over who normally live in the property.

    Person 1

    Person 2

    Person 3

    Person 4

    Person 5

    Extra Persons

    Please list the full name and title of any additional people aged 18 or over who normally live in the property, below.

    3. Details of School Attender / Leaver

    Please provide details of the person who is still at / or has recently left school

    Is Child Benefit still being received for the person named above


    Files Uploaded


      4. Declaration

      The information I have given on this form is correct. If I qualify for a School Discount, I agree to tell Flintshire County Council if the person named in this application leaves the household to undertake a further educational course, or if someone else over the age of 18 moves in.

      I Agree