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Childcare Provider Grant Application Form

1Your Details 2Enquiry Details

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    Your Details


    Enquiry Details

    The Welsh Government have launched the Childcare Provider Grant to help childcare providers with the economic consequences of coronavirus (Covid-19).

    The grant compliments other Government support measures (such as the Job Retention Scheme to cover ‘furloughed’ employees) for people and business.

    You are not eligible for this grant if you have received, or have been successful in applying for support from:

    • The business rate grant from your Local Authority
    • Economic resilience fund for SME and microbusinesses
    • Self-Employment Income Support Scheme
    • Welsh Government Start Up Grant
    • Third Sector Resilience Fund

    In addition to the schemes above, you will not be eligible if you have received funding under the Mudiad Meithrin grant scheme as this is funded via the Third Sector Resilience Fund.

    If you unable to answer ‘yes’ to all of the questions above, you are not eligible for the scheme.

    When submitting your application, please remember to attach all the required evidence documents, including proof of identification, proof of business address and bank statements. Please ensure all business related income and expenditure is clearly highlighted on bank statements. Further details can be found in the guidance document.

    About your business


    Files Uploaded


      Files Uploaded


        Files Uploaded

          Statement of De Minimis Aid received

          Have you received De Minimis Aid during the previous 3 fiscal years (i.e. current fiscal year and the previous two fiscal years):

          Impact of Covid-19 on your business

          Your business bank details













          When submitting your application, please remember to attach all the required evidence documents, including proof of identification, proof of business address and bank statements. Further details can be found in the guidance document.

          Welsh Government reserves the right to recover funding from individuals and businesses where false information was provided or where upon further checks, the business is not eligible for the scheme. Welsh Government may refer potentially fraudulent claims for criminal investigation.