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Landlord Survey 2021

1Landlord Survey 2021 PPrivacy Policy

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    Landlord Survey 2021

    Detached house
    Semi-detached house
    Terraced house
    Purpose-built flat or maisonette
    Converted flat or maisonette
    Bedsit/ room/studio or flat
    House in Multiple Occupation

    Rent Smart Wales
    My letting agent
    My landlord membership association or organisation
    Online landlord forums or websites (eg.
    Government websites (
    Family and friends
    Media – Online
    Media – Radio
    Media – Newspapers
    None of these
    Other (please specify)

    A letting website (e.g. OpenRent/Gumtree/Upad etc.)
    An advert - in a national paper
    An advert - in a local paper
    An advert - in a local shop
    An advert - in a local newsletter or noticeboard
    A university accommodation service
    Word of mouth
    The local authority or council
    I let to family or friends/employees
    Other (please specify)

    People receiving Housing Benefits or Universal Credit
    Couples/lone parents with dependent children
    First time renters
    Occupants with previous criminal convictions
    Occupants with health conditions that may require adaptations
    I am willing to let to all of the above types of tenants
    Other (please specify)

    If the benefit was paid directly to me
    Deposit or rent covered by Local Authority for initial period
    Easier referencing and credit checking of these tenants
    Nothing would encourage me to let to these tenants
    Other (please specify)

    Advised by rental agency
    In line with rents being charged for similar properties in the local area
    Tenant demand for rental property
    Landlord mortgage costs, lender requirements or other non-mortgage costs
    Recent tax changes
    Agent letting or management fees
    To recover costs from renovation or redecoration
    Other (please specify)

    Financial concerns, e.g. benefit levels, cost of repairs, tenant arrears, cost of loan
    Mortgage repayments etc.
    Legislative changes e.g. stamp duty or other tax regime change etc.
    Tenant behaviour, e.g. property damage, anti-social behaviour, disputes about deposits etc.
    Other (please specify)
    None of these

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