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Non Domestic Rate Emergency Fund January 2022

1Your Details 2Enquiry Details

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    Your Details


    Enquiry Details

    Information about your business

    Your business bank details

    My business was actively trading and generating sales revenue up to the 13th December 2021

    The local authority may request bank statements and further information to evidence trading activity prior to restrictions being introduced in December 2021.

    Subsidy Control (formerly referred to as State Aid)


    • I declare that my business has been impacted by the restrictions brought into place on the 26th December 2021, with supply chain businesses impacted by a reduction in turnover of at least 40%
    • I declare that my business was trading up to the 13th December 2021 and would be expected to trade to the 14th February 2022
    • I understand that I can be awarded a Non-Domestic Rates Grant(s) OR a Discretionary Grant for this business but I cannot be awarded both types of grant for this business.
    • I Declare that the grant received will be used to support the business
    • I declare that all the information provided above is true and accurate
    • I declare that I will not make any staff redundant for the period of this funding (to the 14th February)
    • I declare that my business is complying with all Welsh Government regulations and guidance to protect our staff and the public and recognise failure to do so can lead to claw back of grants provided.
    • I declare that the total amount of funding received in grant aid does not exceed my normal annual turnover
    • I understand that if a grant payment is made and evidence subsequently emerges to show that I am not eligible for that grant payment, the Flintshire County Council, acting on behalf of Welsh Government, may require repayment of the grant in full or part from me. Also, should it be determined that the payment was made as a result of an act of fraud by me or on my behalf, legal action may be taken against me
    • I acknowledge that Flintshire County Council will undertake any appropriate business checks considered necessary to assess the application
    • I confirm that I have read and understood the privacy notice.
    • The final decision is at the discretion of the Local Authority, and there is no formal appeals process, however Local Authorities will review any reasonable representations.