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Council Tax Discount for Carers

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    Your Details


    Enquiry Details

    A Carer is treated as non-resident for Council Tax purposes. A dwelling left empty by a carer is exempt from Council Tax. Please complete the below form to enable us to assess your eligibility for discount/exemption.

    To qualify for discount/exemption, certain conditions must be fulfilled as follows: (a) the person receiving care must be in receipt of certain benefits or allowances(see section F) (b) the applicant must live in the same dwelling as the person for whom he or she is providing care (c) care must be provided for at least 35 hours per week (d) the applicant is not a disqualified relative (see below) A PERSON IS A DISQUALIFIED RELATIVE IF (i) he or she is the spouse of the other or they live together as husband and wife or as civil partners. (ii) he or she is a parent caring for a child below the age of 18 years

    1. Reference Details

    We will send you your bill by e-mail to the email address provided. If you would prefer not to receive billing electronically please select the option below.

    2. Household Details

    Please list below all residents of your property ages 18 years or over.

    Person 1

    Person 2

    Person 3

    Person 4

    Person 5

    Extra Persons

    Please list the full name, title and DOB of any additional people aged 18 or over who normally live in the property, below.

    3. Person in Care

    Please provide details of the person receiving care below.

    4. Benefit Requirements

    I declare that the person receiving care is entitled to one or more of the following benefits (select all that apply):

    Attendance Allowance
    Middle or higher rate of the care Ccmponent of disability living allowance or the standard or enhanced rate of the daily living component or 'Personal Independence Payment' (PIP)
    Increase in the disablement pension
    Disablement pension increment, due to constant attendance need
    Constant attendance allowance increment

    4. Declaration

    The information I have given on this form is correct. If I qualify for discount, I agree to tell Flintshire County Council if my circumstances change.

    I Agree