When you complete an application form for a Community Asset Transfer, your data will be processed by Flintshire County Council only for the specific purposes of;
- Processing your application for a CAT
- Performing relevant property transactions such as; Lease / Licence / Acquisition / Disposal / Easement / Wayleave
Your data will be processed by Flintshire County Council as part of our public task under the Localism Act 2011 and covered by Welsh Government Guidance.
Flintshire County Council will share your information with the Flintshire Local Voluntary Council (FLVC) who will contact you to assist with developing a business case to support your application. FLVC undertake this work on behalf of Flintshire County Council but Flintshire County Council remains the data controller.
Your data will also be shared with relevant agencies as necessary in order to gain the relevant funding and assess and complete the transfer of land or property. These agencies could include;
- County Voluntary Councils
- Funders
- Legal practices for support on a pro-bono basis to guide applicants
- Charity Commission
- Cwmpas
- Energy surveyors
Your data is also shared with nominated Councillors and/or community panellists who jointly assess the suitability of the applications.
Flintshire County Council will retain your information for 15 years from the date of completion if your application is successful and 5 years from the date of an unsuccessful application.
If you feel that Flintshire County Council have mishandled your personal data at any time you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioners Office by visiting their website or by calling their helpline on 0303 123 1113.
For further information about how Flintshire County Council processes personal data and your rights please see our privacy notice on our website - https://www.flintshire.gov.uk/en/Resident/Contact-Us/Privacy-Notice.aspx
Flintshire County Council may seek verification of any of the information supplied. If any of this information is found to be false, misleading or missing, this may result in the Authority deciding not to proceed further.