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School Transport Application

1Your Details 2Enquiry Details

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    Your Details


    Enquiry Details

    1. Child Details

    Please provide details of the child who requires transport

    2. Parent / Guardian Details

    Please provide parent / guardian details

    3. School Details

    Which school is the pupil going to attend?

    4. Reason for Application

    You selected an option that requires additional evidence. Applications to Faith schools require evidence of faith (e.g. baptismal certificate, letter from priest). If you chose the 'Benefits' option please proof of these benefits (e.g. scan / picture of documents).


    Files Uploaded

      5. Declarations

      Transport provision is provided subject to the Welsh Government Travel Code of Behaviour. Please ensure you have read and understand the implications of not abiding to this code. See below links to the 'Parent Guide' and the full statutory guidance (Note: You may need to copy and paste these links into your browser)


      Please see below link to Flintshire County Council's Privacy Notice for more information on how the council uses your data as well as how to request a copy of your own data (Note: You may need to copy and paste the link into your browser)



