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Council Tax Discount for People in Detention

1Your Details 2Enquiry Details

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    Your Details


    Enquiry Details

    A person who is detained by order of a court, whether they are in prison, in a hospital or in any other place, is not treated as a resident for Council Tax purposes. This is known as a ’discount disregard’.

    This means that, dependent on the number of other residents in your household, you may be entitled to a discount on the amount of Council Tax that you pay. If the property is left empty and unoccupied because a person, who normally lives at the property, is in prison the property is exempt from Council Tax from the date they were detained. We will look to see if you are entitled to a discount or exemption if you complete this form.

    1. Reference Details

    We will send you your bill by e-mail to the email address provided. If you would prefer not to receive billing electronically please select the option below.

    No thanks, I would prefer paper billing

    2. Household Details

    Please tell us the names of all the people aged 18 years or over who normally live in the property. DO NOT include the person who is being held in detention, this is done in Section 3. If the property is unoccupied select the 'unoccupied' button.

    Person 1

    Person 2

    Person 3

    Person 4

    Person 5

    Extra Persons

    Please list the full name, title and DOB of any additional people aged 18 or over who normally live in the property, below.

    3. Person in Detention

    Please provide details about the person in detention and the name and address of the Detention Centre

    Detention Dates

    If you know the date the person was detained and their expected date fo release, please include them below.

    In Prison / Hospital or Other On Remand Waiting to be Deported

    4. Declaration

    The information given on this form is correct. If the person in detention qualifies for discount, I (or they) agree to tell Flintshire County Council if circumstances change.

    I Agree