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Council Tax Liability Order Request for Information

1Your Details 2Enquiry Details

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    Your Details


    Enquiry Details

    If you have received a Liability Order Request for Information Form through the post, you may use this form to submit the required information requested online. Failure to complete this form in full or make payment in full within 7 days of the Liability Order will result in your arrears being passed to an Enforcement Agent for collection and you will be liable to pay their additional fees for collection.
    Each member of the household who has received a Liability Order must complete their own form.

    Please provide the details of the employer referred to above

    Job Seeker's Allowance State Pension Employment Support Allowance Pension Credit Sickness Benefit Private Pension Bereavement Support Payment

    Your Proposals for Payment

    Please outline below your proposals to pay the outstanding Council Tax amount. Your proposals will be considered and a reply will be sent to you to confirm whether or not this is acceptable. You should start making payments immediately.

    Your proposals will not be considered, and your account will be passed to the Enforcement Agent, if you do not fully complete all relevant questions


    The information I have given on this form is correct.