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Request a Refund of a Credit on your Council Tax Account

1Your Details 2Enquiry Details

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    Your Details


    Enquiry Details

    If you have received a bill showing a credit on your Council Tax account, please supply your bank details below, and following some security checks, we will issue the funds to your bank account and send you confirmation of the refund by post.

    The name of the bank account must match the name of the liable Council Tax payer/s for which the credit is being claimed. If you have any questions about claiming your refund, please contact the Council Tax service on 01352 704848.


    I confirm that I am the bank account holder and the council tax payer authorised to request this refund. I understand that it is an offence to give false information, and that the Council may take legal action against any person who knowingly provides information which is inaccurate.